Mbps bitrate

  • Hi there,

    my clients request a quality video of 1080p 10Mbps bitrate.

    I'm currently rendering with the following settings:


    87% quality

    25 fps

    1920 wide

    1080 high

    I think that the dimension is right, but I don't know how to get the correct bitrate.

    thank you

  • Hi Federica

    The bit rate will depend on the video file type that you use.

    You can use a tool such as Handbrake and get the bitrate down. If the bitrate is not high enough then you can increase the quality.

  • Hello Matthew,

    Is it possible to increase the quality of videos produced with VideoScribe so that they meet a minimum bit rate of 2500k? That is the minimum bit rate required for our company. 

    Thank you,


  • I have just taken a look at the Data Rate for a 1080x1920 MOV file produced with VideoScribe and have taken a screenshot:

    You will see here that the Data Rate is 33.75 mbits/sec with a framerate of 25 fps. If you increased the frame rate the data rate would increase as there are more frames per second to be transferred in the same amount of time.

    So the highest bitrate of a video produced in VideoScribe would be using 1080x1920 @ 60 fps. The bitrate will also vary depending on the video format you use.

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