Putting a scribe into a captivate movie

  • Hi guys

    I have being able to insert the videoscribe movie into captivate, however the scribe is  a lot bigger than the captivate dimensions (800 x 600).  Is there a way for me to resize the scribe so it fits the captivate size please?  Much thanks in advance.. Al 

  • You will need to change the dimensions of the video in some 3rd party video editing software. All videos produced in VideoScribe are 16:9 aspect ratio and 800x600 is a 4:3 ratio. So if you reduce the width of an 1138x640 video created in VideoScribe (640 (Normal)) to 800 you get a video of 800 x 450 keeping the 16:9 aspect ratio.

    I have used Handbrake but I am not sure if the output of this would be compatible with Captivate (Handbrake outputs as MP4). There are many other tools that you could use as well.

  • Thank you very much Matthew. I'm not quite sure about it all but will give it a go! :) 

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