My mouse is "sticky". It won't drop images -- well sometimes.

  • I can't recreate this problem EVERY time. But it happens about every third image or so. Here is what happens. I place the image, I then go to the timeline to adjust the image timing and such and the image FLIPS-OUT and starts following my mouse movements around -- it's like I can't "drop" it.

    What I am currently doing it saving the scribe, force quitting VS, reopening and reopening the scribe I was working on. It then works fine (again for about 3 images) then it wigs out again and the whole process begins anew. This is NOT conducive to a reasonable workflow and I am not terrified the whole thing just crap out on me and leave me with nothing. This can NOT happen.

    One other weird thing that happens is from time-to-time (again there is no consistency to when this happens) objects will only move with my arrows keys and my mouse can't be used AT ALL to move items. I use the same save, quit, reopen (shake my fist at the ceiling) method as I do for the "sticky" images.

    Any thoughts?

  • Yup. I an on a Mac


  • I am not trying to use the Ctrl/Option to right click. I am not right clicking at all. My problem is simply importing an image from the library and having the mouse let it go.


  • I just upgraded recently and I have to say this version doesn't quite seem ready for the world. My last scribe done in V 1.3.26 was easy-peasy. I had little to no issues. This version I have to restart about every 10 minutes (or every other time I insert an image).

    I have a massive project with an insane deadline that I assumed I could make because of the ease-of-use I had with V 1.3.26. I am NOT having that experience with V2 -- not even close. In fact when I downloaded V2 to my original account (I had to open a whole new account) it seriously FLIPPED out. It would not under any circumstances DO anything. I uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted my machine MULTIPLE times an still the program just would not work. So I shelled out the money to purchase a whole new profile (Profile? I guess that is what I bought -- I spent money, used a new email and password) and THEN the program would at least open.

    The most worrisome (and hair-pulling, stamping, cursing) problem is -- all these bugs. I can't recreate them. They just happen. No rhyme, no reason. And (of course) always at the most inconvenient times.

    Lastly, morphing -- what is with the big black lines that look awful when morphing from one image to the next. I watched this video ( but am not getting that result. Basically I want to move an image across the page but when I do that this black blog appears behind it then goes away when the image lands in it's new place. Is that what morphing looks like now?

    Is there anyway I can get the old version back? Anyway at all?


  • If you still have the old program installer on your computer from when you originally installed it, you can uninstall the new version and install the old version I believe

    (the old version will not be able to open scribes made in the newer version)

    -Mike (videoscribe user)


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