PC can open files created on ipad and stored in cloud

  • I ve created a file on ipad app and see it listed as stored in cloud but when I go to open from my PC VideoScribe I get a message saying the website has declined to open the page as I need to sign in.  Im signed in already.

  • Trisha, sorry you're having problems! 

    I can see 3 files in your online cloud storage folder (TPirie05102015 with soundTPirie05102015 no sound Tpirie05102015) so I have taken a look at those. However it appears only one of those has saved correctly as I cannot download the other 2 and the error I get is consistent with a corrupted file. The only file that seems to be opening properly is TPirie05102015 no sound. Can you try and open that one within the Desktop Application and see if it works for you? 

    With regards the others I would go back to the device they were created on as you should have them saved locally there. You can then delete the corrupt versions and re-save.



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