Pulling in and out

  •  I have a computer   which is a stock picture from you guys I have it on the  whiteboard and then I want to pull into the computer and show   a  image on the computer screen  I'm sure it's easy I just can't figure it out

  • 1) add computer image
    2) position the camera where you want it for that image
    3) click the "set camera" icon to save the camera position for that image
    4) add the new image on the computer screen.
    5) zoom in or out or position the camera where you want it
    6) click the "set camera" icon to save the camera position for the second image


  • Thank you there was very helpful ,  and  to you have a video explaining how to make an SVG file  I really don't know if you use illustrator I've been using Photoshop all my life can I make an SVG in Photoshop and if you don't have a video on how can you explain thank you

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