Export 1080p fails + framerate + transparent svg morph

  • Hi 

    Videoscribe keeps failing when I attempt to export in 1080p. Can something be done?

    Also, framerates higher than 30 seem to be impossible.

    Does it have something to do with the CPU allotted for the program?

    Fnally - I like to morph my svgs to animate them moving across the screen, but they become transparent when they move. Can something be done about this?

  • 1) How to avoid running out of memory with videoscribe: TIPS to avoid crashes, freezes, failure to render or erratic behavior (2015)

    2) Videoscribe can only use about 1.5 or 1.7 GB of memory. (CPU is your computer's central processing unit and that is generally not a factor)

    3) when you use morph, only the stroked black paths will be visible during the animation. Use images with only black strokes and no color fills for the best results.

    -Mike (videoscribe user)


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