installing fonts on multiple computers

  • I logged into videoscribe with my laptop and installed some fonts (Basic, Britannic Bold, Book Antiqua, and Bradley Hand ITC). When I log into my desktop, I no longer see some of these fonts I've installed on my laptop (Book Antiqua, Bradley) and so I cannot use these fonts on my desktop. It seems that installing the fonts removes them from the online database. How can I install fonts on multiple computers?

  • There is no online database.

    You can import any fonts (that are already installed on your computer) into videoscribe.

    Importing fonts on your laptop does not automatically import the same fonts on your desktop.

    -Mike (videoscribe user)


  • Here is a screenshot of what I see on my desktop:

    Here is what I see on my laptop:

    Both have Basic, but the desktop is missing Book Antiqua, Britannica Bold, and Bradley Hand ITC. I cannot appear to install these last 3.

  •  Hi,
    Maybe I can explain it more clearly.

    In that list of fonts you see, only BASIC is a part of videoscribe. ALL of the other fonts on that menu are just fonts that are installed on that laptop and that computer.

    Book Antigua is a font that is installed on your laptop. Therefore you can see it in videoscribe on your laptop and import it into videoscribe on your laptop.

    If you do not have Book Antigua installed on your desktop, then it is not there at all, so you cannot see it or import it into videoscribe on your desktop.

    The solution is to download Book Antigua  and install it.  THEN when you open videoscribe you should be able to import it. (you could probably email it from your laptop to your desktop. Google search how to copy or move fonts from one computer to another if you need more information about how to do that.)

    Hope that helps,
    -Mike (videoscribe user)

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