AVI export - CODEC issue

  • I use VideoScribe to help support video creations. When i export my scribes to the AVI format and then import to Adobe Premiere i receive an error stating invalid CODEC and the video will not import.

    this issue is not seen when exporting / importing WMV or MOV files?

    any ideas 

  • Hi,
    My guess is that the avi uses an audio or video codec that was not included in your Adobe Premiere install. My recommendations are:
    1) if you want to use AVI files, look at the properties of the avi file and see if you can find and install the audio and video codecs that you are missing in Premiere
    2) test multiple AVI files in premiere including AVI files from different sources besides videoscribe. Also make sure you videoscribe avi will play in a regular media player to check that it is not corrupt.
    3) use mov or wmv files instead of avi
    4) search the adobe website for similar problems and solutions
    5) contact Adobe Premiere customer support to determine if the problem is missing codecs or something else.

    -Mike (videoscribe user)


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