Feature Request: Object Fade In/Out

  • Oh, please, YESSS to fade-in and fade-outs!!!

  • Yes please :)

  • I see lots of requests for the fade-out/in from graphic people like me.  I see lots of "great idea" affirmations from you guys. Awesome. 

    I'm sure you understand that my clients want results. 

    When exactly will this feature be available?


  • Like the guys before, I need fading-ins, fading-outs and cross-fadings for my jobs very urgently. Is there any update coming up soon? 
  • Yeah..we REALLY need a fade-out feature...

    ....20 months since the idea was raised....

    ...we're in danger of fading out ourselves...! 


  • Liked and commenting to bump. Please implement this.

  • I am evaluating VideoScribe for my Company - not having the ability to make an object disappear of fade out is a IG downer - can't believe you can't make objects fade/disappear. Please add this functionality.

  • Fade fade fade or just cut. One step close to what I can actually do on a whiteboard. Wipe it off.

  • Leigh, while you can't make something fade you can use the blank white space image to make the video appear to wipe off some of the drawings.

  • I use white spaces to place over objects (which is a word around to this missing feature).

    However, when you put a white SVG on the screen it adds an outline around it so you also need to turn it white in the software. Annoying.

    I also use these what spaces for re-positioning the camera back to an old scene location. Lots of lovely work arounds just like Powerpoint.

  • you won't get unwanted outlines if your rectangle is slightly imperfect (no perfect 90 degree corners/ no prefect horizontal and vertical lines)

    related thread: http://help.videoscribe.co/support/discussions/topics/1000063012

    -Mike (videoscribe user)


  • There is a white space within VS that has no border to it, found by searching "white".

  • Mike, are you by any chance a teacher?


  • I'm not. but I' don't know about Mr Mike Ingram.


  • I'm not, I'm a recent graduate doing graphic design and animation, but I've always penchant for teaching/helping others