Retrive a job. Urgent please.

  • Heya - we are more than happy to publish your scribe on Youtube for you, Luz. 

  • Thank you very much. Could you warn me please ?


  • Hi Jess,
    Her scribe is attached in one of the previous replies in case you did not already see it and start publishing it for her.


  • Sorry, what happened with my job?
  • Luz, it may be the length of this video or it may be the size due to the amount of extreme zoom but we cannot get this to publish to YouTube through the automatic upload. YouTube has extra restrictions on size with auto upload and I think that's what's causing the error.

    So I've sent it to as unlisted instead and once it's uploaded it will be available from

  • Hola Barry, it's normal that the video loading stay for long?

  • Looks like it failed to render. Could be the zoom is causing the render to peak out too. I have just reset it to give it another go.

  • Of course, if you wanna be, I could enter again in the scribe and remove all those extreme zooms
  • Barry? Sorry I need urgently the work. 

  • Luz, it failed again on and this will be because the render engine cannot handle the elements you have in excess of 1000% zoom level.

  • Barry, would yo give me a little more time and I retouch the scribe?
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