Manage your videos

Upload your VideoScribe desktop projects to to download an MP4 version of your video is where you can download an MP4 version of your video. Our servers will render the video in MP4 format so you can continue working on other projects. To view and download your videos you must go to the website and login. 

Login to by selecting the ‘Login’ button in the top right corner and enter your VideoScribe account credentials. 

  • Select ‘My videos’ to view your uploaded videos
  • Use the ‘Download’ option below the video to download an MP4 of your video 
    • Choose from three different resolutions - 1080p, 720p or 360p.
    • The video will automatically download to your downloads folder after selecting the resolution
  • Select the 'Remove video' link to remove your video

Please note: no longer allows you to share a link to your video. If you wish to share your video, you can download it as an MP4 and share using a alternative platform.