Charging for the use of your videos

If you wish to charge for the videos you create using VideoScribe then you need to make sure you’re on the right subscription plan

If you're a freelancer, agency or business creating videos on behalf of a third party, i.e. reselling the videos you create, or charging for the use of your videos in any way, you must have an active VideoScribe Pro or VideoScribe Team subscription.

What’s the difference between the subscription plans?

  • VideoScribe Standard includes commercial rights which allow you to create videos that you can use to promote your business or product. This includes receiving ad revenue from platforms like YouTube.
  • VideoScribe Pro and VideoScribe Team include both commercial and reseller rights. Reseller rights are required if you are charging for the use of your videos in any way.

What happens once my subscription expires?

If you cancel your subscription, once it has expired you will still be able to use the videos you have created. However, you will no longer have reseller rights, which means you won’t be able to charge for their use.

See the VideoScribe terms and conditions for full details.

Check out our webinar on how to drive more value from your videos.