Publish and share projects

VideoScribe for your browser will let you publish your project as a video, a GIF, or a link that you can share!

Select the “Download” button in the top right corner to choose your publishing option:

  • Create preview link
    • Create a link to share your video online, so others can view it without needing to download the project. This is perfect for getting feedback if your video isn't finished. 
    • Copy the link to your clipboard and share away.

Please note: Anyone with the link can preview your video without signing in and the preview link will stop working if your subscription ends.

  • Download as video or GIF
    • MP4 - download as an MP4 video file rendered in 1080p HD. There is a 15-minute limit to the length of video you can create.
    • GIF - download an animated image that will replay on a loop for eternity. GIFs are limited to the first 15 seconds of your project.

Click “Start Download” to download your project. The project will appear in your browser downloads folder when complete. 


Top tip: You can hide the download window while your project is rendering - this will not cancel the render or download. 

If you’re having issues downloading your project, check out this help article.