Adding audio

Choose from over 200 music tracks in the VideoScribe music library or import your own MP3 track

Audio plays an important role in communicating your message in your video. VideoScribe has a selection of over 200 royalty-free music tracks to choose from and also allows you to import your own MP3 track. 

Audio options

Click the 'Audio' button to access your audio options in the left-hand panel. 

Use these options for quick access to: 

  1. Audio library - royalty-free music tracks in VideoScribe
  2. Your files - your audio files saved in VideoScribe
  3. Upload audio - upload your own MP3 track
  4. Record audio - record your own voiceover 
  5. Project tracks - manage the audio tracks in your project

Audio library

Browse the available tracks by scrolling through the pages with the arrows. You can sort the tracks using the ‘Sort-by’ option. 

  • Preview the tracks by clicking on the speaker icon.
  • Select ‘Use’ to add the track to your project

Each track will display the length, genre, tempo, and if it’s loop-friendly (if applicable).

Your files

Select the ‘Your files’ tab to access your audio files. Your files include:

  1. MP3 tracks you have uploaded
  2. Audio / voiceovers recorded directly in VideoScribe

Use the search bar to find a track within your files. To delete a track, select the trash can icon beside the track. This will delete the track from your files, but will still be available in projects using the track. 


Upload audio

Select the ‘Upload file’ button to upload your own MP3 to VideoScribe:

  • Once the track has loaded, you can name your track and add a description.
  • Select the ‘Use now’ button to add the track directly to your project or ‘Save only’ to save it to your files, without using it right away.

Top tip: Some audio programs create MP3 files with extra data used by their software which unfortunately is not compatible with VideoScribe.

Ensure you have a clean render of your MP3 file using software such as Audio Converter (free to use).

Record audio

Select the 'Record audio' button to record a voiceover directly into your project using a microphone. Check out the Recording a voiceover article for full details on recording audio.

Project tracks

You can use up to two tracks at a time in your project. Tracks will be displayed in the left-hand audio panel under “Tracks in Project”.

Select a track to display its settings in the right-hand panel:

  • Use the play button to listen to your track
  • Use the volume slider to adjust the volume of the track
  • Use the fade-out control to adjust how long it will take for your track to fade to silence when it ends (maximum is 1.8 seconds from full volume to silence)
