svg image thick lines drawing

  •  I imported an svg to the project, but the hand makes the drawing in very thin lines before, in the end, making the normal thick, drawn lines. The image was orginally converted from jpg to svg but is this the reason it makes the drawing in thin instead of thick lines. what can I do to solve this problem. thanks so much

  • Hi,
    The explanation and the solution:
    1) An SVG (vector art) is made of paths that can be stroked paths and/or filled paths.
    2) By default, videoscribe draws stroked paths and then the filled parts just appear after the stroked paths are drawn.
    3) if you have an SVG that is only fills with NO strokes (stroke size of zero), videoscribe may trace the outline of the fills, revealing a very thin sliver of the fill where the stroke would be even though the stroke size is technically zero. (this is probably what you are seeing.)
    4) if you convert a JPG to an SVG using an automated conversion, some programs give you the ability to choose either strokes, or fills, or both as your end result. with some experimentation you may be able to get the results that you want.
    5) automated conversion of jpg to svg seldom look as good or "draw" as well as manually traced SVG images. even if you get a result with only strokes the strokes are usually drawn in small pieces and a random order.
    6) if you manually trace an image to make your SVG, the most straightforward method is to use the pen or pencil tool and a BASIC stroked path. paint brush tools will make art that videoscribe interprets as FILLED paths instead of stroked paths (so you will get thin outlines as mentioned in item 3).
    7) Although stroked paths are the simplest way to make videoscribe "draw" well...with some extra effort, you CAN make paintbrush strokes or other fills appear to "draw" correctly in videoscribe. Essentially you must draw a basic stroked path (with a stroke size greater than zero) OVER the fills or paintbrush strokes, and then change the basic stroked path to zero opacity. In fact you can use this technique with a JPG image in inkscape or illustrator without converting the jpg to vectors, just embed the image in your SVG.

    All of this is covered in more detail here:Making SVG Images Draw Well (2015 update)

    if you have a problem with a specific SVG that you can't figure out, attach the SVG to your next post.

    Hope that helps,
    Mike (videoscribe user)


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