Show camera view on canvas

  • Dear VideoScribe,

    Thank you for the fun product!

    May I ask for a feature where it is possible to 'see' the camera 'view'? E.g., by an overlay rectangle, dashed lines, et cetera?

    My issue is that I think that the window size of VideoScribe (on desktop) influences the width of the camera. If I could see the actual camera view, then (a) I know what is inside or outside of the camera view when designing and aligning objects. And (b) I can correlate the size of the objects with the size of the camera view.

    I work on a full hd monitor, and with full expanded window on videoscribe. I think I therefore have 'large' or 'wide' movies. 

    Related to this feature: is it possible to set a camera 'size', e.g. "16:9", or "widescreen", or "something else'?

    Of course i'm available for discussion and further exploring this feature.

    Many thanks in advance for considering this feature,

    best regards,


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