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VideoScribe for your desktop
Installation and login
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Images, text and fonts
Animations and transitions
Saving your scribe
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VideoScribe for your desktop
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VideoScribe for your desktop
Installation and login
Start a new project
Images, text and fonts
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Desktop versions and release notes
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VideoScribe for your desktop
All the help and support you need when accessing the VideoScribe desktop application
Tutorial 1: Create and save your first scene
Tutorial 2: Setting the camera
Tutorial 3: Adding audio
Tutorial 4: Editing and fine tuning your video
Tutorial 5: Publishing your video
Comenzar con VideoScribe
Tutorial 1: Crear tu primera escena y guárdala
Tutorial 2: Configurar la cámara y crear una segunda escena
Tutorial 3: Añadir sonido
Tutorial 4: Editar y afinar tu proyecto
Tutorial 5: Publicar en video o redes sociales
See more
Installation and login
Downloading and installing VideoScribe for desktop (Windows)
Downloading and installing VideoScribe (Mac)
Log in to VideoScribe for your desktop
Common login issues
System requirements - VideoScribe for your desktop
Upgrading to the latest version of VideoScribe
Use VideoScribe on more than one computer
Downloading VideoScribe for desktop in my place of work or school
Using VideoScribe offline
Uninstalling VideoScribe (Windows)
Uninstalling VideoScribe (Mac)
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Start a new project
Getting started with VideoScribe for your desktop
How to use templates
Canvas sizes
Timeline quick menu
Hide elements in the timeline
Laying out your scribe
Changing the background
Setting a theme in VideoScribe for desktop
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Images, text and fonts
Searching the image library
Importing images
Adding and formatting text
Adding fonts
Adding a chart
Aligning elements using guidelines
Improving image import quality
Accessing previously purchased images
Using animated GIFs
Supported languages and fonts
How to add text in unsupported languages
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Animations and transitions
Using the Draw animation
Using Fade-in and Fade-out
Using the Move-in feature
Using the Morph feature
Text animation styles
Using zoom and setting the camera
Setting the camera to create scenes
Changing the hand
Importing your own hand
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Adding music to your scribe
Recording a voiceover
VideoScribe music copyright
Saving your scribe
Save scribes on your computer and online
Collaborating on your projects with other people
Accessing projects saved to your computer
Accessing your projects saved online
Merging two scribes into one
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Publishing and sharing scribes
Managing your videos
Adding a logo watermark in VideoScribe
Making your video file smaller
Removing the VideoScribe logo in PowerPoint
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Tips and techniques
Top tips on creating professional quality videos
Changing image colors
Applying color effects to images
Creating your own SVG images
Creating an eraser effect
Text and image filters
Changing the solidity of text and images
Flip and mirror images
Adding mathematical formulae
Start your video with something on screen
Moving the camera without adding visible elements
Making images appear together
User preferences
VideoScribe for desktop keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys)
Optimizing images
View SVG images in Windows file explorer
See more
Fix a problem
Password attempts exceeded
VideoScribe for desktop says to install Adobe AIR
My saved scribes are missing - VideoScribe for desktop
VideoScribe is crashing or freezing
How to fix extreme zoom
Imported images aren't working correctly
Lines of SVGs thicken when drawn
See more
Desktop versions and release notes
VideoScribe for your desktop supported versions
VideoScribe v3.14 release notes
VideoScribe v3.12 release notes
VideoScribe v3.11 release notes
VideoScribe v3.10 release notes
VideoScribe v3.9.5 release notes
VideoScribe v3.9 release notes
VideoScribe v3.8 release notes
VideoScribe v3.7 release notes
VideoScribe v3.6 release notes
VideoScribe v3.5 release notes
VideoScribe v3.4 release notes
See more