Orientation to Portrait (9:16) - When will you deliver?

  • Ok guys.  It's 2022.  9:16 is not a recent innovation.  We have been patiently and faithfully waiting for the option to put the canvas in a full portrait mode forTikTok, IG, FB, YT. you know, the bulk of the video space today.   I realize the burden to coding this, but this isn't a "nice to have" any longer.  For years now, we have been reorienting our workspace sideways, using custom hands, and other foolishness, just to make due. 

    When is this going to be available?

  • This is something we can provide through https://www.scribely.co/, it's not something that's available in VideoScribe at the moment so please raise it on the feature request forum if it's important to you.

  • Yeah, thanks Barry.  I saw this suggestion on another related post, and frankly would have transferred right over, but the couple of reviews I looked at showed a very limited tool in comparison to VS.  

  • It's moving fast and new features are being added all the time. You can try it for free if you have a Sparkol account so I'd recommend having a look for yourself.

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